Critical Acclaim
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 1:27 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Avenged Sevenfold
Song Author
Matthew Sanders, James Sullivan, Johnathan Seward, Brian Haner Jr. and Zachary Baker
File Size
90 KB
Shh... Be qui-et, you might piss some-bo-dy off. Like me mo-ther f**k-er you've been at it for too long. While you feed, off, o-thers in-se-cu-ri-ties, You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds. Lies in-side your head your best-friend. Bro-ken glass, your fake re-flec-tion. Shh... Be qui-et, you might piss some-bo-dy off. Like the heart-beat of this count-ry when an-ta-go-nized too long. I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your, ge-ne-rous hy-po-cri-sy col-lec-ting e-ne-mies. There's no need for us to bu-ry you. Right, this way, you've dug your own gra-ave. Ex-cuse the ob-scene, ig-nore the un-t-rue. De-cep-tions we see, try and get th-rough. Ad-mit-ting mis-ta-kes can hurt. I'm not the la-st, but I sure ain't the first. Shh... Be qui-et, you might piss some-bo-dy off. Lies in-side your head your best-friend. Bro-ken glass, your fake re-flec-tion.
Ok well here's the latest version.
I added a piano part during the slow part before the
chorus, it took me AGES to figure out.
And I also added the guitar fills during the duet.
Ratings and comments appreciated =)